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DIY Investor Magazine

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  • Investing in technology and how its growth shapes our everyday lives

    Drawing lessons from history, this article underscores the importance of strategic investments in mid- and large-cap tech companies...

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  • Beyond the behemoths

    Discussing the current tech landscape, dominated by a handful of companies

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  • Allianz Technology Trust: reflecting on 2024

    Discussing expectations versus how the year unfolded

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  • Equities on the road: India key themes

    Sharing insights on one of the fastest growing large economies in the world, India.

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  • Digit Digest Podcast: The evolution of REITS and the future of UK Real Estate

    Discussing the evolution of UK Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs),

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  • Investing in a time of unknown unknowns

    Financial first footing could see geopolitical upheaval vying with social, economic and environmental crises as the key influences in the year ahead.

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  • Schroder Income Growth Fund PLC: Navigating a significant capital allocation shift in the UK

    The increasing popularity of share buybacks in the UK market

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  • Green green grass

    Why the biotech sector is bouncing back to rude health

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  • A golden opportunity

    Why the UK small-cap sector looks set to shine

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  • An active approach to long-term wealth creation

    Active managers have the freedom to buy and sell holdings during volatility, responding to changing market conditions

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  • What does Schroder Japan Trust’s new dividend policy mean for investors?

    Improving the trust’s appeal to a broader range of investors

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  • What do investors need in retirement?

    What factors investors should be considering when it comes to planning their retirement

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  • Riding the supercycle

    With commodities poised to play a key role in the transition to net zero, BRWM demonstrates the benefit of active management in this sector…

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  • Catching the wave

    Why the early bird investors in the UK small-cap sector have historically been well-rewarded…

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  • The long and short of it

    FEML’s Polish investments show the attractive potential the trust offers – as well as the managers’ unique approach to markets…

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  • An equity income option to suit all tastes.

    Mid caps particularly well poised for a UK renaissance

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  • Thinking differently

    Financial markets can be inefficient in the short term, driving share prices away from their true fundamental value.

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  • An equity income option to suit all tastes

    Why equity income offers a breadth of investment options within the UK, Asia, and North America

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  • A head scratcher

    BBGI’s high yield looks secure but the trust continues to trade at a wide David Kimberley

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  • Bouncing back to rude health

    IBT is well positioned to exploit the attractive valuations on offer in the biotech Jo Groves

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  • Themes for your ISA in 2024

    Kepler Trust Intelligence will be hosting online sessions with fund managers and investors, examining a wide range of strategies and themes to meet the needs of a diversified portfolio

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  • Leading the pack

    With a more positive outlook for the biotech sector, IBT has proved its credentials in picking the winners...

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  • Canada's time to shine

    MCT's strong dividend growth and prospective rate cuts may result in the trust's discount tightening in the year ahead...

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  • No Going back

    AIE's bumper 2023 looks on track to continue into 2024...

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  • 'Swiftonomics' and Global GDP

    The recent Taylor Swift tour is so vast that it has attracted its own branch of economics – socalled ‘Swiftonomics’

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  • We're going to need a bigger boat...

    It’s an exciting time for investors in the investment trust sector, even if it might not feel like that right now.

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  • AI - opportunity or threat?

    Where are we today in terms of AI and its applications, and where are we going in the future?

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  • Staying on course in a volatile sector

    IBT has delivered superior returns with lower volatility than the wider market…by Alice Rigby

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  • The compound effect of environmental solutions

    Long-term capital growth

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  • The road to net zero: Brunner Investment Trust

    What shapes the pathway to net zero and what will be required to get there?

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  • Time for a small dose of smaller companies

    A recovering biotechnology sector points IBT to a growing opportunity in small caps…by Alice Rigby

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  • The best of British opportunity

    An insight into the Schroder British Opportunities Trust plc

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  • The best of both worlds?

    FSF offers strong ESG credentials and potential returns with low correlation to traditional David Kimberley

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  • Tapping into the potential of the US midmarket

    US mid-caps punch above their weight, and listed private equity trusts such as NBPE aim to tap into their potential…by Alice Rigby

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  • (Re)open the floodgates

    JAGI’s distinct approach to stock picking means it has maintained exposure to Chinese consumer stocks poised to benefit from the country’s reopening…by Alice Rigby

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  • Navigating inflation with infrastructure assets

    BBGI’s availability style holdings offer strong protection against inflation…by David Kimberley

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  • Investment Trusts: Shopping for discounts

    Could wide investment trust discounts represent an opportunity?

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  • Has the sustainable revolution gone into reverse?

    A few years ago, in the long-forgotten period that preceded the pandemic, anyone interested in investing could not do much without hearing about sustainability – by Alice Rigby

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  • Green shoots for global markets in 2023?

    There are many risks for the global economy in 2023, but there are also encouraging signs

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  • Global equity funds are upping exposure to Japan

    Warren Buffett’s decision to invest heavily in Japan over the past 12 months generated the usual annoying headlines about how great he is – by David Kimberley.

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  • Equity income: the UK is now once again the most attractive market for the income investor

    - The UK is a very international market with around half the revenues of UK-listed companies generated in the United States and Asia Pacific, with Europe also holding a major share.

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  • A value view: The Merchant's Trust plc

    Jon Cronin: Hello, and welcome to A Value View from The Merchants Trust, where fund manager Simon Gergel, offers his thoughts on developments affecting the UK market and what it means for investors. Simon, welcome to the show.

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  • US and EU 'IRA': Made in China?

    The EU’s efforts to catch up with the US’s massive move to support strategic green industries, jobs and clean technology signal a new era, writes Jupiter’s Environmental Solutions team.

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  • The Brunner Investment Trust Plc - A world running to stand still

    Extract from the latest Connected Investor podcast from The Brunner Investment Trust

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  • Realising India's potential: Ashoka India Equity

    AIE’s approach has enabled it to deliver strong returns for investors…by David Kimberley

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  • They're coming to ... Canada?

    Large numbers of immigrants may continue to make Canadian real estate an attractive investment…by David Kimberley

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  • Investment Trusts: Opportunities in all market conditions

    Over the last 150 years the UK investment trust industry has survived depressions, wars, pandemics and many other crises.

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  • A new uranium bull market is underway, driven by the race to net zero

    Energy underpins our civilization and is vital for the survival of society. It is needed to heat and light up homes, power factories and transport food, people and everything else.

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  • How might the balance of power shift in congress after the midterms?

    The Senate is currently split 50/50 with Vice President Kamala Harris casting tie-breaking votes on items that only require a simple majority – by Hugh Gimber and Meera Pandit.

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  • Japan - a differentiator in tumultuous times

    The world seems a particularly unnerving place for investors at present, even by recent standards. High inflation, rising interest rates and the associated risk of recession in some major economies have generated high levels of financial market volatility.

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  • Investing in small-caps? Don't pick up any cigarette butts

    Value may be en vogue, but it’s growth that ultimately delivers returns for shareholders… by David Kimberley

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  • Will we see more M&A activity in the UK?

    Downing Strategic Microcap may benefit if M&A buyers get active in the UK market…

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  • A bright spot in North America

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  • Why ESG considerations matter and how they are embedded in The Mercantile's stock selection process

    Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations cover a range of issues related to a company’s behaviour with respect to the environment and society, including its employment and health and safety practices – Guy Anderson, Portfolio Manager

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  • An unreasonable discount?

    Shares in Invesco Perpetual UK Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc are trading at 17% below their net asset value…by David Kimberley

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  • Key challenges facing the UK's new Prime Minister

    A cost-of-living crisis, industrial unrest, fears over energy supply and the ongoing headache of Brexit - these are just some of the crunch points facing Boris Johnson’s successor.

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  • Recession: how bad will it be?

    Recession: how bad will it be?

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  • Less stocks, more diversification: Alliance Trust

    Alliance Trust has protected shareholders from losses in a tough year for investors

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  • Is it deep value's time to shine?

    DSM may deliver for those who are prepared to be patient...

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  • How Japan is making strides on sustainability

    Europe is often held up as the ‘poster region’ of sustainable investing and it’s certainly true that ESG (environment, social, governance) issues are generally more embedded there than elsewhere. But Japan is far from a laggard in this area, particularly when it comes to the ‘S’.

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  • Taking stock in a volatile market

    Amid continued volatility across emerging markets

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  • Japan's quiet recovery holds promise for investors

    Japanese shares sold off as Russia escalated tensions with Ukraine.

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  • Canadian stocks have a lot of tailwind in their favour

    Trusts like MCT may benefit from rising prices and an economic bounce back...William Heathcoat Amory.

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  • At the cutting edge of Japan's technological transformation

    The Japanese equity market is sometimes dismissed by international investors as mature, staid and undynamic; but they make this judgement at their peril.

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  • Sustainable growth through volatile markets

    Volatile markets can be uncomfortable for investors and portfolio managers alike. As investors for decades in the emerging markets, the portfolio managers of the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust plc (JMG) have found that anchoring around a sound strategy is key to navigating choppy markets.

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  • Why investors can't overlook the 'S' in ESG

    The ‘S’ in ESG has never been more important. We explore some of the risks, as well as opportunities that exist in the UK stock market, and ask how companies can be more socially responsible.

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  • India: A future leader in e-commerce and tech platforms?

    You cannot talk about the investment case for India without first mentioning the country’s rapid economic growth. India’s economy grew at an average rate of 7.7% in the past two decades

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  • Staying the course amid uncertainty in Europe

    Why building a balanced portfolio of robust dividend-payers should be well positioned to deliver attractive long-term returns.

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  • What ails Asian Equities and where to from here?

    Despite a shaky start to 2022 for many Asian stock markets, the region continues to offer a diverse selection of attractive companies at reasonable valuations

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  • Commercial property: the post-pandemic landscape

    After a tough pandemic, commercial property recovered significantly in 2021

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  • A differentiated approach to building long-term value

    When it comes to choosing a private equity manager, it is vital to choose carefully...

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  • Six Reasons to Invest in the Mercantile Investment Trust

    The Mercantile Investment Trust invests in medium and smaller UK companies. The managers’ objective is to spot businesses with the potential to grow into ‘tomorrow’s market leaders’.

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  • The under-explored power of listed private equity

    Private equity remains off-piste for most investors despite its appeal as a potential core holding…..

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  • A Healthy Contribution

    An ageing planet and more spending on healthcare may put wind in the sails of Brunner’s portfolio……

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  • Technology enablers – ’picks and shovels’ in the technology gold rush

    Ross Teverson, Colin Croft, and Matthew Pigott, portfolio managers of Jupiter Emerging & Frontier Income PLC, argue that investors may be better off looking beyond the obvious names in their search for those companies that are best positioned to drive, and to benefit from, the major technological changes playing over the coming years.

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  • Five Charts Showing the Attractions of Asian Equity Income

    Asian shares offer a compelling proposition when it comes to investing for income.

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  • Capturing the opportunity in Asia’s dynamic smaller companies

    The Asian smaller companies sector has been a fertile place to invest as recovery has emerged across the region

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  • Top rated Investment Trusts for 2022

    We unveil the winners of our ratings for 2022 in the Growth, Income & Growth and Alternative Income categories…

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  • A unique structure for dividend seekers

    Alliance Trust is the only way ordinary UK private investors can get exposure to a select group of leading asset managers…

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  • And now for something completely different

    We take a look at a trust which could add significant diversification to income investors’ portfolios…

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  • New PM, new dawn for investing in Japan?

    Fumio Kishida inherits a much brighter situation than his predecessor as the state of emergency is lifted. We look at what this means for investing in Japanese equities.

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  • Unlocking the untapped power of mid-caps

    They are rich in potential, but often underestimated. See how J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s dedicated investment trust specialising in UK mid-cap companies could provide diversification as well as strong growth and income opportunities for your portfolio.

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  • The opportunities in China’s maturing markets

    Chinese financial markets are broadening, offering greater accessibility and liquidity for investors

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  • Consistency is key: momentum multi-asset value trust

    Marking its 25th anniversary, Momentum Multi-Asset Value Trust (MAVT) continues to deliver inflation-beating returns by investing in a highly differentiated range of assets, giving investors access to continually evolving holdings that they are unlikely to find in other funds…

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  • Results analysis: Scottish oriental smaller companies

    SST’s tilt toward India has contributed to a strong set of results this year…

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  • 60/40 and other dinosaurs

    A simple practical step to take your portfolio from the 1990s into the 2020s...

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  • Fidelity Asian Values PLC - taking stock 25 years on

    As Fidelity Asian Values PLC turns 25 years old, portfolio manager Nitin Bajaj reviews how the dramatic changes seen in Asia have shifted the centre of economic gravity shift from West to East - and are mirrored in the growth of the trust.

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  • Uncovering Europe’s hidden gems

    European equities are back in vogue, with massive fiscal and monetary support, economic re-openings, and a sizable valuation discount relative to the US. All of which provide an attractive macro backdrop for investor

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  • A place in the sun: The investment case for solar energy

    Though the move towards renewable energy, and in particular Solar Energy, may feel like a recent trend, the advent of our working relationship with the Sun goes back several millennia.

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  • Shell and BP: Why we’re Hopeful for a Sensible Transition to Renewables

    In the wake of the recent IPCC report, we think the major UK-quoted energy companies are in a good position to shift towards clean renewable energy sources.

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  • The Merchant's Trust Plc: The UK Five years on

    This is an extract from the latest episode of the ‘A Value View’ podcast from The Merchants Trust.

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  • Standing out from the (discounted) crowd

    A historically-wide discount is throwing ATT’s outperforming returns into a new light…

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  • Finding quality companies in volatile markets

    In a see-saw year for markets, income generation in the Murray Income Trust has held up well

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  • A Bold Take on Global Equities

    Global equity investing is usually defined by either a ‘growth’ or ‘value’ approach but there are funds that blend these styles, offering a distinctive global equity investment…

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  • Alliance Trust: Looks can be Deceiving

    Top-down portfolio characteristics can obscure the investment characteristics of a trust, particularly when it comes to multi-manager portfolios. Here, we examine how Alliance Trust maintains a high active share while still offering a diversified underlying portfolio…

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  • Why has North Asia outperformed its South-East Asian peers?

    North Asia is reaping the benefits of its effective Covid response but there are longer term factors behind the region’s outperformance too – by Richard Sennitt, Fund Manager, Asian Equities

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  • UK smaller companies set for long-term success

    Hopes are high for the UK’s economy and particularly UK stocks, given their relatively low valuations, as we begin to pick up the pieces after the COVID crisis, and the outlook for UK smaller companies is optimistic. However, a considered approach is key to avoid simply following the crowd…

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  • Building back greener

    As governments turn their focus towards the COVID-19 economic recovery, they are increasingly incorporating sustainability goals into their efforts. For sustainable investors, this presents a clear opportunity…

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  • Insights from Silicon Valley: Optimism versus pessimism

    There is a tug of war in financial markets today: there is real concern that the stimulus programme will generate inflation and therefore higher interest rates.

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  • A sensible source of alternative income

    After dividends were slashed through 2020, the case for income investors to reconsider portfolio allocations and diversifying their sources of income is clear…

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  • Three Key Trends Fuelling the Commercial Space Industry

    Space is no longer just an opportunity for deep-pocketed governments and billionaires. The sector is now accessible to a wide range of entrepreneurs and companies looking to cash in on its growth potential. Here, we examine three key trends driving the commercial space industry this year and beyond.

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  • Quality growth, growing income, discounted price

    A key advantage of the investment trust structure is the opportunity to buy well-regarded funds at discounted prices. Here, we explore one of them in depth…

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  • How can investors access the UK's industrial recovery?

    Industrial and construction businesses are seeing activity bounce back after the disruption of 2020, but there are structural factors supporting longer term growth too - by Rory Bateman, Head of Equities and manager of Schroder British Opportunities Trust

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  • Brighter outlook for Japanese stocks?

    Nicholas Price, portfolio manager of Fidelity Japan Trust PLC, discusses why he maintains a positive outlook for Japanese stocks.

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  • Delivering a decade of growth from Japanese equities

    Big in Japan: JFJ’s fund performance in the last decade - J.P. Morgan Investment Trust Team

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  • The great rotation: will it endure?

    Equity markets have seen a significant rotation over the past six months, however, the rotation may change in flavour from here

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  • Growth and Income: Not the usual suspects

    Investors are increasingly seeking a combination of growth and income but with dividends under pressure on the UK and Europe, it makes sense to consider your options further afield…

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  • The 28 Investment Trust ISA Millionaires

    One of my favourite pieces of investment trust research is the AIC’s millionaires list;

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  • Solving climate change can be the investment opportunity of our lifetime

    Solving climate change can be the investment opportunity of our lifetime…if we focus on the companies that bring to market the relevant solutions

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  • New look, broader resources, same proven approach

    The newly renamed Momentum Multi-Asset Value Trust continues investing in quality value opportunities across different sectors in the UK, with deeper and stronger resources at its disposal…

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  • Reuse, Recycle and rethink sustainability

    Over the last three years, sustainability has gone from being something of an investment trend to an imperative for many investors…

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  • Allow us to reintroduce ourselves

    Following a bold decision by its board, Jupiter US Smaller Companies is now known as Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies. Here, we introduce the new manager and explore the US based firm’s stellar track record in the space…

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  • The Brunner Investment Trust PLC

    Seeking out the best opportunities for growth and reliable dividends wherever they may be, The Brunner Investment Trust invests in companies all over the world.

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  • Subscribe to DIY Magazine

    We've teamed up with DIY Investor Magazine so we can offer you even more insight on your approach to DIY investing. Sign-up to receive the latest edition direct from DIY.

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  • Contrarian, value, UK: A recipe for success?

    Fidelity Special Values PLC wouldn’t be much fun at parties. Where other trusts are keen to get in with today’s high-flyers, the biggest growth names that attract all the attention, this trust prefers to frequent areas of the market that are, in manager Alex Wright’s words, “unfashionable”.

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  • The outlook for UK income

    The UK market’s reputation for dividend strength took a knock in 2020, however, the outlook for the sector has markedly improved since the start of the year.

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  • How Asian stock markets shook off the pandemic

    Asian shares have benefited from the region’s effective handling of the pandemic, but what comes next?

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  • Tomorrow giants: why Japan is the next global technology hub

    With the FAANGs floundering at the turn of this year, investors have been challenged by the dominance of Silicon Valley-centred stocks in their portfolios. Turning their investment lens Eastward could reveal world-leading technology opportunities…

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  • Best of both worlds

    How JPMorgan Global Growth & Income Investment Trust seeks to pick winners and deliver the best of both income and capital

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  • Necessary changes in global healthcare systems bring long-term investor opportunities

    The graph enclosed shows health expenditure per capita across the globe and highlights the enormous difference in spend in the western world compared to emerging markets – by Daniel Mahoney and Gareth Powell of Polar Capital Global Healthcare Trust.

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  • Mercantile investment trust: starting up the UK engines

    An economic recovery is good news for UK mid- and small-cap stocks

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  • ESG credentials give the JPMorgan emerging markets investment trust a sustainable advantage

    Find out how the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust achieves benchmark-beating growth from a sustainable portfolio.

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  • Keeping a level head: the balanced approach to investing

    The recent rotation has put a spotlighted how quickly an investment style can fall in or out of favour. For many investors, timing the market is a challenge, which makes a truly active yet balanced approach appealing...

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  • More than meets the eye with private company investing

    Privately-owned companies offer a compelling opportunity for investors of all types. For many years large institutions have invested alongside more traditional, listed equities in unquoted businesses.

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  • Looking beyond the faangs for technology exposure

    A reckoning for the US technology giants earlier this year has shown why a dedicated technology allocation could be vital to achieving success in this sector…

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  • Kepler unveils investment trust ratings for 2021

    Kepler Trust Intelligence has published its 2021 investment trust ratings. The ratings seek to identify the top investment trusts in the growth, income & growth and alternative income categories.

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  • Covid and e-learning

    The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated many profound shifts that were already taking place in the global economy, many of which resulted in a behavior adjustment and relied very heavily on the digital infrastructure – by Lenore Hawkins, Chief Macro Strategist at Tematica Research, partners of our digital infrastructure ETF

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  • Is the tide turning for UK income investing?

    It’s a challenging time for investors, not least those in need of income generation. The coronavirus crisis continues to play out globally, with the UK hit worse than almost any other large economy at the start of 2021. Covid-19’s scars are likely to be with us for a long time and the path to economic recovery remains uncertain – Charles Luke, Investment Manager, Murray Income Trust PLC

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  • A true original

    ESG has become a buzzword in recent years but Jupiter Green, which has forged a successful track record in socially responsible investing since launching in 2006, was into it before it was ‘cool’…

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  • International Biotechnology Trust: A clear focus on returns

    Sitting in one of the few sectors to be positively impacted by COVID-19, we look at IBT how it delivers consistently attractive total returns…

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  • How long-term investment can help us cope with short-term uncertainty

    The short-term investment outlook may be uncertain, but let dividends pay us to be patient, says Ian Cowie, Personal Finance Editor, the Daily Telegraph.

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  • Can Chinese stocks continue their strong run in 2021?

    The swift revival in China’s economic activity creates a fertile backdrop for its corporate sector. Dale Nicholls, portfolio manager of Fidelity China Special Situations PLC, examines the investment opportunities ahead and explains how he is focusing on the structural trends accelerated by Covid-19.

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  • Why are UK mid caps in such an M&A sweetspot right now?

    UK-quoted companies are attracting good interest as global deal-making picks up again and FTSE 250 companies appear to be the candidates of choice

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  • Value matters eventually

    Financials remains one of the cheapest equity market sectors; they jumped sharply in price following the positive news around vaccines in November, as the sector is one of the biggest beneficiaries of economies opening up over the course of this year and into 2022 - Polar Capital Global Financials Team

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  • What every investor needs to know about the Medical Cannabis sector in 2021

    2020 was an eventful year for the cannabis industry. After a strong start to the year, the coronavirus struck. Panicked investors withdrew from equities, especially from young and riskier industries such as cannabis.

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  • The Merchant’s Trust PLC

    A Value View: A return to Fundamentals?

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  • Uncovering Japan’s hidden gems

    Chern-Yeh Kwok, manager of the Aberdeen Japan Investment Trust, says there is real value in Japanese markets, but it is often overlooked by investors.

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  • Slow and steady wins the race

    We take a look at MAJE, a trust which has seen a significant turnaround in performance and has the potential to continue delivering income and growth in 2021…

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  • 2021's Key themes for emerging markets

    While 2020 has shown the difficulties of predicting the future, we believe a number of themes are likely to dominate in emerging markets this year.

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  • Finding tomorrow's winner in the UK

    With sentiment toward the UK improving, we see now as a fitting time to look at DSM and the exciting opportunities within the micro-cap focussed portfolio…

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  • A trust with hidden depths

    We take a look at SIGT, a multi-asset trust offering a solid income from a truly diversified portfolio…

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  • Private markets: the quest for diversification

    Institutional investors have long thought of private markets as a way to boost returns. But the recent challenging economic conditions have further enhanced the role that private market investments can play in portfolios.

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  • Investing basics: risk and reward - five popular portfolio types

    So, you’ve decided that you want to take a an active role in shaping your financial future; it’s a big step and often comes with a mixture of elation and trepidation; however, fear not, because you’ll never be short of sage advice from those that know just marginally more than you do – writes Hanah Barnaby.

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  • Investing basics: a simple guide to volatility

    Investors have much to think about when choosing and understanding investments; in particular volatility and the impact it can have on their investment – writes Christian Leeming.

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  • The Best Performing Investment Trusts Of 2020

    I’ve been investing for over three decades and I don’t think any year has been as remarkable as 2020; there may be a lot of recency bias at play, but have we ever seen two such extremes in share prices, with both massive gains and massive losses?

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  • This time next year Rodney...

    We review the performance of the team’s ‘top picks’ for 2020 – including some proper plonkers – and place our bets for the year ahead…

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  • How JPM Emerging Markets puts the ’S’ and ‘G’ into ESG

    Explore how the JPMorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust tackles the challenge of ESG in emerging markets.

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  • ‘Bok to the Future: the RWC-winning legend helping professional athletes manage their financial future as their career transitions

    There is a high level of risk and reward in professional rugby. How can a player successfully manage this?

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  • The future of consumption: Ecommerce isn’t just Amazon….

    Ecommerce – the buying and selling of goods and services online has become a global phenomenon. In the western world, traditional highstreets and shopping malls are under pressure from their ‘ecom’ rivals whose product ranges, delivery speeds and convenience are improving every day.

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  • Alliance Trust: A standout trust for the uncertain times ahead

    With ISA season quickly approaching, we look at a trust which can offer attractive returns in both bull and bear markets, and has a track record to prove it…

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  • Allianz Technology Trust: Electric vehicles and government stimulus

    Investment Insights from Silicon Valley - Electric vehicles feature prominently in the economic stimulus from governments across the world, writes Walter Price, Lead Manager

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  • A green kick-start?

    Increased spending world-wide as governments seek to kick-start economic growth may have added benefits – boosting sustainable projects. Could responsible investment solutions provide the necessary tonic for beleaguered policymakers and investors to change the face of both the global economy and society itself? Here, managers from across BNY Mellon Investment Management consider the likely road ahead.

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  • Emerging Markets 2020: Part 1 - Experience and expertise never more needed

    Discover how the J.P.Morgan Emerging Market Investment Trust’s experience and expertise enable it to cut through the noise and focus on the fundamentals

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  • Can private equity thrive in the ‘new normal’?

    This has been a golden decade for private equity. The financial conditions following 2008’s Global Financial Crisis were ideal for the asset class to flourish, with interest rates low and plenty of capital looking for higher growth assets. The question today is whether private equity can continue to thrive in the ‘new normal’ that emerges from the Covid-19 crisis?

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  • Value vs growth: hope springs eternal

    The US election has given long-suffering value investors new hope of a ‘great rotation’ in their favour, but that light at the end of the tunnel could in fact be a train…

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  • Dividends and the pandemic: where are we eight months on?

    Covid-19’s widespread financial damage includes an unparalleled hit to company dividends, meaning more tough times for income investors.

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  • Thinking outside the box: Seneca Global Income and Growth Trust

    Kepler Trust Intelligence looks at the unique approach to value investing taken by Seneca Global Income & Growth Trust…

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  • Catching up with reality in emerging markets

    Emerging market performance has lagged developed markets over the past few years, but there are early signs of a shift.

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  • Don't discount the discounted

    The ability to buy shares at a discount to NAV is one of the differentiating features of investment trusts versus open-ended funds and means they can potentially offer higher returns.

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  • In adversity, strength: NB private equity partners

    In this article we look at a number of catalysts that could see NBPE’s discount narrow, potentially offering a ‘double whammy’ in terms of returns for investors…

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  • Commercial property: The future is bright, but different

    Covid-19 has accelerated existing trends in commercial property – agile working, online shopping, digital transformation.

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  • Why JPMorgan emerging markets investment trust has the secret sauce for uncertain times

    Now more than ever, investing in emerging markets requires experience and expertise for successful stock selection, but the potential long-term rewards are considerable

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  • Financial education: why become a DIY Investor?

    Whether budgeting for a trip of a lifetime, helping children get on the property ladder or planning for retirement, we all have financial milestones and objectives, and faced with the high cost of professional advice, an increasing number of people are deciding to take personal control of their finances; technology is the enabler – writes DIY Investor’s Tabitha James.

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  • Investing Basics: compound interest

    Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He, who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.’ Albert Einstein

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  • Investing Basics: Growth or value investing?

    Whatever style an investor adopts, the goal is always to identify and buy an asset in the hope and expectation that its price will increase; whilst the ambition may be simple enough, its achievement may be altogether trickier – how do you judge whether your investments are positioned to get the best possible return? – asks Christian Leeming.

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  • Investing basics: Investment Trust sectors

    Investment trusts were once dubbed the ‘best kept secret in the City’; not any more it seems, as investors have embraced the fact that some trusts have consistently increased their dividends over decades, and have done so in the face of enormous headwinds – just one of which is the current COVID-19 pandemic.1 - writes Hannah Barnaby

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  • It's not about following the herd: Seneca Global Income and Growth Trust

    With a small number of stocks driving global markets, we discuss how SIGIT can be used to aid and diversify returns…

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  • Underground bangers: looking for hidden gems in smaller investment trusts

    Smaller investment trusts have been under pressure with demand reduced by consolidation in the wealth management industry and the increasing use of centralized buy lists by DFMs and advisers

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  • Taking the long view on Japanese growth

    The JPMorgan Japanese Investment Trust offers investors capital growth opportunities from a market often overlooked by UK investors.

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  • UK small-caps: themes from a crisis

    Engaging with companies is core to our equity investment process. Of course, the last few months have prevented us from physically meeting with the management teams of the UK small-cap firms in our sector. However, thanks to technology and the removal of time-consuming travel, we have had more, not less, contact with key decision-makers.

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  • The Mercantile Investment Trust: offering UK investors a world of long-term growth opportunities

    Targeting UK companies outside the FTSE 100, The Mercantile Investment Trust has a long heritage of successfully providing capital growth – and income. What’s the strategy behind its success? At a time when uncertainty clouds the short-term equity market outlook, why should investors consider mid and small caps?

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  • What lessons can be learned from the fall of the rock star fund manager?

    Website ‘Woodford Litigation’ announced that ‘Woodford investors are suing Link Fund Solutions for their failure to manage the Equity Income Fund prudently’ – writes Christian Leeming.

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  • Investing Basics: how to choose an investment trust

    Most people are broadly familiar with the concept of a ‘fund’ when it comes to investing but, there are a number of different fund types – writes Christian Leeming.

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  • Investors embrace ESG funds during the crisis; is passive set to be massive?

    Possibly stung into action by a growing sense of the planet’s fragility, investors poured record sums into sustainable investment funds that invest according to environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles during lockdown – writes Tabitha James

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  • Investing Basics: What is a P/E ratio and how to use it to create a fair value calculation for shares?

    With all the caveats, P/E is likely to remain near the top of the list of commonly used valuation measures for shares in a wide range of, though not all sectors. It embraces complex considerations within a simple formula. It has an intuitive validity which is borne out by much more complex analysis, but is universally understood.’ writes Christian Leeming

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  • A time for caution?

    Markets have staged a remarkable recovery from the savage falls in March

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  • Schroder income growth: 26 consecutive years of dividend growth

    Schroder Income Growth (SCF) aims to generate real income growth from a portfolio of primarily UK companies

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  • Investing Basics: Portfolio Management – should you stay or should you go?

    DIY Investor is dedicated to long term wealth creation; sister site Muckle wears its heart on its sleeve in its mission to educate and engage the next generation of investors – ‘mony a mickle maks a muckle’ is pretty much Savings and Investment 101 – writes Hannah Barnaby.

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  • Investing styles: core and satellite investing for your ISA or SIPP

    Core and satellite investing is a method of portfolio construction designed to minimise costs and volatility while providing an opportunity to outperform a broad stock market or portfolio of markets as a whole; it is why some of the largest and best resourced investment funds in the world (pension funds and sovereign wealth funds) have adopted this approach, but there is no reason why it should not be used by the DIY investor in managing their ISA or SIPP – writes Tabitha James

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  • Financial independence - start planning early to achieve the lifestyle in retirement you want

    The FIRE movement is gathering momentum – those seeking to be Financially Independent, Retired Early and there has never been a better time to start planning for the lifestyle in retirement you want; starting early and investing for a long time gives you the best chance of achieving it.

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  • No need for compromise

    The volatility of global markets has illustrated how ‘all-in-one’ investment vehicles can be beneficial for investors. We look at ATST, which can offer diversification without compromising growth…

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  • Investing Basics: Portfolio Management - should you stay or should you go?

    DIY Investor is dedicated to long term wealth creation; sister site Muckle wears its heart on its sleeve in its mission to educate and engage the next generation of investors – ‘mony a mickle maks a muckle’ is pretty much Savings and Investment 101 – writes Hannah Barnaby.

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  • Investing basics: how to pick the right fund 'share class'

    One of the least concerns a fund investor should have is that of a lack of choice – writes Tabitha James of DIY Investor Magazine

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  • Income, growth, diversification: A compelling combination

    This trust offers a blend of characteristics which might appeal to many investors...

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  • An introduction to socially responsible investing with ETFs

    Can our portfolio choices do the power of good to the environment and society as well as our personal wealth? Those practicing Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) believe so…writes Christian Leeming

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