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DIY investing

Self-investing is the hands-on approach to growing your wealth over the long-term

  • STEP 1


    It takes less than 10 minutes to open an account with EQi. Once it's open, you can begin investing immediately.

  • STEP 2


    Add money to your account via debit card, BACS transfer or set up a monthly direct debit. Just £50 will get you started.

  • STEP 3


    Choose from over 8,000 investment options from a variety of industry sectors, markets and asset types.

What is DIY investing?

Investment is rarely about money alone – it is about the freedom that financial security brings.

  • Taking control of your future and knowing how to make the most of your money is at the heart of DIY investing.

    Why invest when you can save?

    Over time, investing has outperformed cash. In fact, equities are 91% more likely to outperform cash over 10 years*.

    It is why 42% of British adults hold risk-based investments as more of us look to grow our wealth over time**.

  • It’s all about you, but you’re not on your own

    At EQi, we believe that DIY investing should be accessible to anyone who wants to take care of their financial future.

    It is why our site is not just a trading platform.

    If you are new to self-investing, we offer the tools, insight and independently researched fund lists so you can be confident that investing will work for you from day one.

Investment Risk Warning

The value of investments can fall as well as rise and any income from them is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

EQi does not provide investment advice. If you are in any doubt as to the risk or suitability of an investment or product you should seek advice from an independent financial adviser.

  • The fund factor

    Investors are told that it is important to ‘diversify your portfolio’ but what does that mean?

    Diversification is a practical way to manage risk and works on a simple and familiar premise – don’t keep all your eggs in one basket.

    Holding shares in just one company can be thought of as one basket. It can be great if the company thrives but being tied to the fortune of one company alone does represent a risk.

    It is why investment funds are popular. Invest in a fund and you instantly buy into many different shares or assets. The theory is that even if the value of some of them fall, others will rise, and so you balance risk.

  • Build on what you know

    You can, of course, pick out particular shares and back companies or sectors that interest you.

    It is what many long-standing investors enjoy – spotting a trend or investing in a developing sector. At EQi, you can back your insight with analysis and research via your dashboard.

    You can access data on how a stock has performed, build a watch list and set the price for when you want to buy and sell.

    This is just one part of how EQi helps customers stay in control of their investments and build on their market knowledge.

  • Tools

    Funds to get you started

    A popular, low cost way for beginner investors to build a diversified portfolio


    Cboe indices

    Access best-in-class investment data powered by Morningstar


    Unsure about getting started?

    See how three of our customers first became DIY investors

  • How EQi makes a DIY investor

    DIY investors take a hands-on approach to growing their wealth and are in it for the long-term.

    You can use EQi’s investor tools to help you to narrow down, compare and select your investments

    But researching and constructing a balanced portfolio is just the beginning. The more you engage in the process, the more you’ll get out of it.

    With 24/7 sight of how your investments are performing, you can actively monitor and rebalance as market conditions, your preferences and attitude to risk change.

  • What can you invest in?

    8,000 investment options from a variety of industry sectors and markets as well as a range of asset types:

    • UK and international stocks
    • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Commodities (ETCs) and Notes
    • Funds (Units Trusts and OEICs)
    • Investment Trusts
    • Gilts and Bonds
    • Warrants and Covered Warrants

Which account is right for you?

  • Dealing Account

    For individuals or a group of up to four people, access global investments with this flexible, unrestricted account

  • Flexible ISA

    Invest up to £20,000 per year, take advantage of tax-free investing, and access your money at any time

  • Self-Invested Personal Pension

    Enjoy more control and access to a wider range of investment options and benefit from attractive tax advantages

  • Lifetime ISA

    Available for those aged 18-39, you can invest up to £4,000 per year and the government will add a 25% bonus up to a maximum of £1,000

*Barclays Equity Gilt study 2023. Source: Barclays
**Source: Platforum, 2022



Investing styles: core and satellite investing for your ISA or SIPP


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Investing Basics: What are Bonds?


How to construct an equity portfolio


How to select a fund


A simple guide to fund pricing