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Kepler Partners LLP

  • Riding the supercycle

    With commodities poised to play a key role in the transition to net zero, BRWM demonstrates the benefit of active management in this sector…

  • Catching the wave

    Why the early bird investors in the UK small-cap sector have historically been well-rewarded…

  • The long and short of it

    FEML’s Polish investments show the attractive potential the trust offers – as well as the managers’ unique approach to markets…

  • A head scratcher

    BBGI’s high yield looks secure but the trust continues to trade at a wide David Kimberley

  • Bouncing back to rude health

    IBT is well positioned to exploit the attractive valuations on offer in the biotech Jo Groves

  • Themes for your ISA in 2024

    Kepler Trust Intelligence will be hosting online sessions with fund managers and investors, examining a wide range of strategies and themes to meet the needs of a diversified portfolio

  • Leading the pack

    With a more positive outlook for the biotech sector, IBT has proved its credentials in picking the winners...

  • Canada's time to shine

    MCT's strong dividend growth and prospective rate cuts may result in the trust's discount tightening in the year ahead...

  • No Going back

    AIE's bumper 2023 looks on track to continue into 2024...

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