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About EQi

Who we are and what we stand for

Where your IQ works for you

EQi has been created to offer customers independence, choice and access to a wide range of investments.


  • 1

    We are large and established

    You are in safe hands. We are FCA regulated and part of Equiniti. Equiniti manages and administers the shares for 70% of the FTSE 100, holds around 70 million shareholder records and sends out £90 billion in payments each year. Not only is your money secure but we benefit from Equiniti’s decade of expertise in share dealing technology.

  • 2

    Yet we are small and nimble

    Our platform fits into the palm of your hand and gives you access to global markets, putting you on the same footing as any fund manager or financial advisor.

    EQi is nimble as we are specialists - not a large bank or a company with additional services to cross sell. As a specialist, we can guarantee Best Execution, which means we will achieve the best possible result for you when you give us the instruction to buy or sell. If we don’t achieve it, we will automatically pay you the difference.

  • 3

    Plus transparent and independent

    We believe in transparency and in maintaining the interests of our investors. EQi does not receive a fee or commission from the companies or funds our customers invest in.

    We also believe that investing should be a norm, not a niche. It is why we focus on tools and insight that make investment accessible. Investment calculators, award-winning customer education and access to the views of external analysts. These research partners are independent too and don’t receive a fee or commission when you invest.

  • 4

    Your money works harder and is tax smarter

    As investment specialists, EQi can offer a wider range of tax-efficient investment accounts.

    We are one of only a handful of providers to offer a flexible ISA, the new Lifetime ISA and Self-Invested Personal Pension where you choose your SIPP provider.

    EQi is also committed to keeping prices low and we continually review them to ensure they remain competitive. It means that as an EQi customer, you can be confident that your money will keep working harder for you.

  • 5

    Your IQ, your EQi

    You’ll find EQi is the home of intelligent investing.

    Our customers expand their market knowledge as well as grow their portfolios. From new investors to ISA millionaires, EQi is committed to supporting investors at every life stage.

    We provide market news and features so you can develop your approach to investing, back yourself and make adjustments as your goals change.

    With EQi, you know what’s possible when you put your mind to it.

  • If you...

    • Value personal control and financial independence
    • Make informed decisions every day and want to exercise the same discretion over your investments
    • Want tax-efficient, low-cost flexible investment products
    • Are happy to back yourself, to plan for the long-term and remain open to new ideas about how to grow your wealth
    • Are interested in following the markets to find your own way
    • Recognise that all investments carry risks but also know that there are risks to standing still

    Then you think like we do.

  • Meet the EQi team

    Find out more about the people behind EQi

  • DIY investing

    Understand the world of investing and decide if it's right for you

  • Fund lists for getting started

    How do you know where to start with over 3,000 funds to choose from?