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Holly Thomas

Holly Thomas is an award-winning personal finance, property and consumer journalist.

  • Using diversification to defend your investments

    Being a successful investor is dependent on a combination of factors - there’s no single winning formula. Yet experts are unanimous that an essential element of any portfolio is diversification.

  • Sometimes, it is what you know: Breaking down investment jargon

    For investors yet to shelter the maximum £20,000 for the current tax year, it’s important to work out the best route to take full advantage of the allowance. And even though ISAs were designed to be straightforward savings vehicles, there’s plenty of jargon to get your head around - even for seasoned investors. Here we explain some important terms that will help you learn more about how to maximise your ISA savings.

  • Using diversification to defend your investments

    Being a successful investor is dependent on a combination of factors - there’s no single winning formula. Yet experts are unanimous that an essential element of any portfolio is diversification.

  • Tips from an ISA millionaire

    EQi has more than 50 customers with ISA portfolios that have passed the £1 million mark. Last week, we shared the story of how one EQi customer has built a portfolio worth over £1 million in his Stocks and Shares ISA. Here, Brian* talks us through the high and low points of his time as an investor, plus his tips on how to build a successful portfolio.

  • Seven strategies for the new financial year

    The new tax year started on 6 April. It’s not quite the same as the calendar new year (there are no fireworks to mark a new financial year), but that shouldn’t stop you from making some important financial New Year resolutions.

  • Sometimes, it is what you know: Breaking down investment jargon

    For investors yet to shelter the maximum £20,000 for the current tax year, it’s important to work out the best route to take full advantage of the allowance. And even though ISAs were designed to be straightforward savings vehicles, there’s plenty of jargon to get your head around - even for seasoned investors. Here we explain some important terms that will help you learn more about how to maximise your ISA savings.

  • Seven strategies for the new financial year

    The one key thing you need to know about your ISA is the deadline. If you don’t use your 2019-20 allowance by 5 April, you lose it. You can put up to £20,000 in an ISA in the current tax year. If you can afford to do that every year you can work out how much your tax-free fund will be worth after five or 10 years.

  • Sometimes, it is what you know: Breaking down investment jargon

    For investors yet to shelter the maximum £20,000 for the current tax year, it’s important to work out the best route to take full advantage of the allowance.

  • Who wants to be an ISA millionaire?

    EQi has more than 50 customers with ISA portfolios that have passed the £1 million mark. ISA savers who want to follow suit and join the growing number of ISA millionaires might be curious to know how it’s done.

  • Flexible ISAs: What's the story?

    The popularity of ISAs has largely been down to their sheer simplicity. There is currently more than £66.9 sitting in adult ISAs with close to 12 million people subscribed in the 2021/2022 tax year

  • Tips from an ISA millionaire

    We spoke to one EQi customer who did just that, building a portfolio worth over £1 million in his Stocks and Shares ISA.

  • Using diversification to defend your investments

    Being a successful investor is dependent on a combination of factors - there’s no single winning formula. Yet experts are unanimous that an essential element of any portfolio is diversification.

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