The value of investments can fall as well as rise and any income from them is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.
This product is based overseas and is not subject to UK sustainable investment labelling and disclosure requirements.
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Sustainability Focus: these funds invest mainly in assets that focus on sustainability for people or the planet. Examples may include activities to support the production of energy, for example, from solar, wind or hydrogen.
Sustainability Improvers: these funds invest mainly in assets that may not be sustainable now, but aim to improve their sustainability. Examples may include investments in companies that are on a credible path to net zero by 2050, or are committed to improving social standards such as human rights.
Sustainability Impact: these funds invest mainly in solutions to sustainability problems with an aim to achieve a positive impact for people or the planet. Examples may include renewable energy generation and social housing.
Sustainability Mixed Goals: these funds invest mainly in a mix of assets that either focus on sustainability, aim to improve their sustainability over time, or aim to achieve a positive impact for people or the planet. Examples may include a mixture of investments from the labels above (Focus, Improvers and Impact).
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