Receive up to 46% pension tax relief on your contributions
EQi gives you access to thousands of different assets
Investing is 91% more likely to outperform cash over 10 years*
The government automatically pays an extra 20% into your pension (the basic rate of tax). If you pay a higher rate of tax, you can claim back even more via a Self-Assessment tax return.
Plus, the money invested in your pension grows free of capital gains tax and income tax.
Typically, investors have little or no choice in how their contributions are invested. A SIPP is different, you are your own fund manager.
A SIPP puts you in the driving seat, you decide which assets to buy, sell and hold.
Plus, EQi is unique among leading DIY investment platforms in the UK in allowing customers to choose their SIPP provider from an external panel and then manage it on our platform.
A SIPP gives you access to a wider range of investment options, which means you can diversify your portfolio and seek returns which can boost your retirement pot.
To help you select funds for your retirement pot which meet your investment goals and your attitude to risk, we’ve partnered with Square Mile, the independent investment research business.
*Some funds may be available in certain pensions
*Source: Barclays Private Bank 2019