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EQi, your Lifetime ISA provider

Open your LISA
  • 18-39

    A Lifetime ISA (LISA) can be opened by any UK resident aged 18-39

  • £1,000

    Receive up to £1,000 in government bonuses each year

  • 0.2%

    The EQi stocks and shares LISA Custody fee is competitive

Why choose EQi to provide your LISA?

A Lifetime ISA (LISA) is designed for the big things in life – a first home and a comfortable retirement.

We know that it takes time to grow the value of your investments which is why EQi has put in place everything the under-40s will need to meet their LISA goals.

Our platform gives you control over your investments, but more than that, we also give you access to independently rated investment funds. Funds let you buy into a whole basket of assets in one transaction and are an ideal way to get started.

With an EQi LISA, you’ll benefit from the low custody fee in the market*. By keeping our costs low, you can keep more of your money invested for longer.

With EQi, you'll pay a custody fee (the fee we charge for safekeeping of your assets) of just 0.2% per annum, a competitive rate in the market* because we believe that as younger investors typically have less to invest, they should also pay lower fees.

What you save in fees will go towards your LISA goal, whether that be your first home or an additional retirement pot.

At EQi, we make sure you can focus on the big picture.

Investment Risk Warnings

The value of investments can fall as well as rise and any income from them is not guaranteed and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is not a guide to future performance.

EQi does not provide investment advice. If you are in any doubt as to the risk or suitability of an investment or product you should seek advice from an independent financial adviser.

The extent and value of any Lifetime ISA tax advantages or benefits will vary according to the individual's circumstances. The government bonus may also change. Once in the LISA your money is only accessible, in general, when you buy your first home or at age 60. If you withdraw early from your Lifetime ISA the withdrawal penalty will be 25% of the amount withdrawn.

What is a LISA?

A LISA is a Lifetime ISA, an account available if you are aged between 18-39. It was introduced in 2017 to help people save for their first home or put money aside for their retirement.  

The government withdrew its Help to Buy ISA in November 2019 but the Lifetime ISA still offers a clear advantage to younger investors.

The big plus is that you can invest up to £4,000 in an EQi LISA each year, giving you access to a wide range of investments, and the government will add a 25% bonus up to a maximum of £1,000.

Couples saving for a first property can each open an EQi LISA and any gains your investments make will be free from capital gains and income tax.


How do I start investing?

You can invest in individual companies, or you can look at a basket of ready-made investments, in a Fund, for example.

Investing in funds lets you buy into a whole basket of assets in one transaction and are an ideal way to get started as an investor.

You decide how much they want to invest, from as little as £10 per month, and the responsibility for what is in the Fund lies with the professional Fund manager.

With EQi you can even select a Fund based on your attitude to risk – whether you are Cautious, Balanced or Adventurous.

Plus, you can see how it the Fund performed over the last three, five or 10 years, when compared to similar Funds.


Funds to get you started

Three simple ways to start investing in your future

  • The bonus

    The bonus makes an EQi LISA attractive. If you invest £4,000 every year from the age of 18, you’ll receive £32,000 in government top ups by the time you are 50.

    It is important to remember that, as with every investment product, its value can fall as well as rise, which is why it is sensible to allow a time frame of five years or more to ride out any stock market volatility.

    Furthermore, unless taken out for a permitted purpose there is a penalty when taking money out of the account. Find out more here.

  • Who suits an EQi LISA?

    • If you are happy to be an active investor
    • If you are aged 18 to 39 years old
    • If you can invest for five years or more
    • If you are saving for a house or for your retirement